Direct line opening hours

Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm

Fridays 9am – 4:30pm

To get in touch, use our contact form below or call us on 01454 865337

Contact Form

Once you have completed the online contact form a member of the team will be in touch within 7 working days.

Polite reminder to please be courteous to our staff, they deserve to be treated with good manners, and respect. We do not tolerate abusive behaviour, communication or language.

Concerned about an adult?

Concerns about an adult, call our adult social care team on 01454 868007 (Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 8:30am-4:30pm) or 01454 615165  (Out of hours). If you have concerns about your own safety, an adult at risk or a care service you must report it. You can also get in touch by texting EDT on 60066 followed by your name and message.

In an emergency please ring 999

Safeguarding Adults Board

Who to contact in a mental health crisis

If you are in crisis in the first instance contact;

  • The Samaritans – phone 116 123 (this is a free call)
  • AWP (NHS mental health services) operate a 24/7 mental health response telephone line to provide support. If you are worried about your own or someone else’s mental health, you can speak to a member of staff by calling 0800 953 1919
  • Your General Practitioner (or out of hours service through NHS 111)