Weight Management Services
A summary of tier 2 and specialist adult weight management services to support South Gloucestershire residents achieve a healthier weight
Healthy Weight Programme (adults)
Eligible patients can access a free 14-week programme delivered by the Active Lifestyle Centres in South Gloucestershire. This includes a 1:1 consultation followed by 5 group support sessions and access to leisure facilities throughout the 14-week period.
- Aged 18 years or more
- Has a BMI ≥30 with no co-morbidities (adjusted to BMI ≥28 with co-morbidities or BMI ≥27.5 in people of Black African, African-Caribbean, and Asian origin)
- A South Gloucestershire resident or registered with a South Gloucestershire GP
- Is clinically stable
- Is not pregnant
- Does not have a history of or an ongoing eating disorder
Patients can be referred to the programme by the One You team. To refer a patient to complete the One You online contact form.
If you have any questions relating to the Healthy Weight Programme (adults) please call 01454 865337 or email oneyou@southglos.gov.uk
NHS Weight Loss Plan
A 12 week digital intervention via access to the app called ‘NHS Weight Loss Plan’. It is a free NHS weight loss plan to help your patients start healthier eating habits, be more active and start losing weight.
To find out more about the NHS weight loss plan visit:
No eligibility criteria
No referral needed, patients can download the ‘NHS Weight Loss Plan’ app from their apple or play store.
Weight Management Webinars (NHS)
Within these webinars the NHS have tackled the myths surrounding dieting, weight loss and balanced eating and provide insight into why dieting is so challenging and will support patients to build a new approach to eating and their health.
For patients to get the most benefit from these webinars, we would recommend watching them in the following order:
- The Dieting Cycle
- Regular Eating
- Triggers to Eating
- Diet Myth Busting
- Balanced Eating
No eligibility criteria
No referral needed, patients can access these webinars by following this link: Webinars on Weight Management – patientwebinars.co.uk
NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (DWMP)
A 12-week digital intervention with access to three levels of support; digital content only or digital content with 50 or 100 minutes of human coaching.
- Over the age of 18
- Has a BMI ≥30 (≥27.5 for people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds)
- Has a diagnosis of diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2) or hypertension or both.
Referrals can be made via a e-referral template on EMIS.
If you have any questions relating to the NHS DWMP please email england.wmp-prevention@nhs.net or visit NHS England » The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme.
NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
For patients at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. A tailored programme to support patients to reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. As well as guidance on making healthy food choices and increasing physical activity levels.
To find out more about the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme visit: Healthier You | Diabetes Prevention Programme (preventing-diabetes.co.uk)
- Over the age of 18
- Has a BMI ≥30 (≥27.5 for people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds)
- Has a diagnosis of diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2) or hypertension or both.
Referrals can be made via a e-referral template on EMIS.
Diabetes and Nutrition Service (DANS)
What is the Diabetes and Nutrition Service (DANS)?
The Diabetes and Nutrition Service (DANS) provides education, information and support on diabetes and nutrition to individuals (and their carers) in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
This service support patients to take control of their condition and support them to make good choices for a healthy life.
- Has a diagnosis of diabetes
Self-referrals for the Diabetes education courses can be considered. Please inform patients to telephone 0300 124 5908 to discuss their self-referral.
Referrals to the services other than structured education need to be made by GP or Lead Clinician.
To find out more about the Diabetes and Nutrition Service (DANS) and to refer visit Diabetes and Nutrition Services – Sirona care & health NHS services (sirona-cic.org.uk)
The NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme
The NHS is delivering a new programme which provides a low calorie diet treatment for people who are living with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes.
There are a limited number of places available locally.
If successfully referred patients will:
- Be offered total diet replacement products including soups and shakes consisting of up to 900 calories a day for up to 12 weeks.
- Alongside this patients will receive support for 12 months including help to re-introduce food after the initial 12-week period. Depending on where patients live, this will either be delivered:
- in groups (online or in person)
- one-to-one (online or in person), or
- digitally/remotely via an app, online or over the phone
To find out more about the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme visit: NHS England » Low calorie diets to treat obesity and Type 2 diabetes
- Over the age of 18
- Has a BMI ≥27 (≥25 for people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds)
- Has a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes within the last 6 years
Referrals can be made via a e-referral template on EMIS.
Weight Assessment and Management Service (WAMS)
A specialist service for patients with severe or complex obesity, based at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. The WAMS usually offers support over a 6 to 12-month period.
- Over the age of 18
- Registered with a BNSSG GP
- Has a BMI ≥40 or ≥35 if co-morbidities
- Patient has previously attended weight loss interventions over a 2-year period but failed to achieve/maintain weight loss unless BMI is ≥50.
Referrals can be made via the standard Tier 3 proforma which can then be submitted via e-referral.
If you have any questions relating to WAMS please email bnssg.ifr@nhs.net or visit remedy pathway (bnssgccg.nhs.uk).