These free courses are relevant for practitioners that work with both adults and Children in South Gloucestershire. Courses run by public health are free accept the cost of manuals for the Fundamental Wellbeing Courses.

For more details of the programme, please see our 25/26 Training leaflet.

If you would like to find out more about the courses and book, go to the South Gloucestershire Council workforce development site. Please note some of the other courses on the work force development site do have a cost

For enquires please contact

Bitesize Training

Public health offers free mental health Bitesize training sessions for teams or groups that work with people in South Gloucestershire at a time that suits you.

Please see the Mental Health Bitesize leaflet for more details on the topic areas covered. These 60-minute sessions can be offered as an online session, face to face where capacity allows or as a pre-recorded session.

Suicide Awareness

The Zero Suicide Alliance have a number of courses to gain skills and confidence to help someone who may be considering suicide. This national course is open to all (Please note this is not training governed by South Gloucestershire Council).

Free online training from Zero Suicide Alliance

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Training

Open to anyone in South Gloucestershire that works with people, to find out more and see course dates see our MECC page.

Costed Mental Health and Wellbeing Training:

Standard charge £49 exemptions apply- Booking and further information via South Gloucestershire Council workforce development site.

Mental Health Awareness Training (Half Day)  

Open to all but often taken by people who regularly work with people suffering from mental ill health.

Understanding personality disorder (Half Day)  

A course aimed mainly at professionals to improve skills and understanding relating to personality disorder.

Mental Capacity Act 

Various Mental Capacity Act training courses are available.

Self-Harm Guidance

Working with children and young people you may have them disclosing that they are self-harming, the following documents provide you with some information around self-harm and guidance around what you can do to support a young person who is harming along with local and national support they can access.


Self harm guidance for schools Self harm guidance for working with children and young people

Parents and Carers

Free online courses for all parents, carers, grandparents and teens living in South Gloucestershire. Including an Understanding your Child’s Mental Health option. For the full details and information on how to access the online learning, visit In our place online learning and enter our exclusive South Gloucestershire access code. CONCORDE

South Gloucestershire Council also have several toolkits for parents including:

Directory of Services for Children and Young People

The South Gloucestershire Mental Health and Wellbeing Directory of Services for Children and Young People is designed to help practitioners navigate local Mental Health and Wellbeing Support. It is updated regularly and includes providers from positive activities to specialist Mental Health support, with details of service offer and referral routes.