Caring for yourself while you make changes

Are you thinking about making a change to a healthier lifestyle? Taking steps towards better health can be incredibly rewarding, not only for your physical well-being but also for your mental health and wellbeing. It can also be quite frustrating and stressful.

What you are doing is hard. Whatever you are working on, small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. You might hear that it’s a marathon, not a sprint, but maybe you could even look at it like preparation for that big thing. It isn’t a race at all! It’s important to set realistic goals and be patient with yourself along the way, there will be twists and turns– care for yourself along the way. 

Build yourself UP with understanding, support and care for yourself and avoid judgement guilt and pressure. Start with these 10 principles.  

Start with Self Compassion

Begin with yourself. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d offer a friend. This  allows you to approach change with care. Recognise your efforts and struggles without self-criticism and try to meet them with kindness. 

Set Realistic Goals- see the wins

Change is a gradual process. Setting small, achievable goals helps support motivation and build momentum. Unrealistic expectations often lead to frustration and setbacks. By breaking down larger goals into more manageable steps, you create a clear  path forward and you start to see the success quicker 

Finding the Why?

Is there something that has kicked off this change for you? Does it inspire you or make you feel bad? Whatever has started this for you, try to find a ‘why’ that inspires you and makes you feel positive and powerful.

If it’s a bad experience, a health scare or a photo that has prompted this, allow this moment to be the one where you spin it round and think of your positive inspiration. Do you want to run around with your children? Live longer in better health? A positive thought will be far more effective than one that brings you shame, guilt or fear. 

Understand your stress response

What we do and how we manage stress is often rooted in deeper needs or past experiences. Take time to explore the reasons behind the behaviour you wish to change, doing this with a friend or trained professional can help. Understanding what is going on for you will make you feel more powerful in moments of stress.  

This involves paying attention to your emotional and physical reactions and the activities you engage in to cope with stress. Ask yourself if these activities are helping you manage stress effectively or if they are harmful in the long run.  Have you formed a stress habit that you need more support to change?  

Encourage Rather Than Criticise

Be your greatest cheerleader! Positive reinforcement is more effective than criticism. Encourage progress by acknowledging your efforts and celebrating small victories. Set yourself a positive habit and tell yourself something great every day.  

Promote Patience

Change rarely happens overnight. Patience is essential, both with yourself and others.

Accept that setbacks are part of the process and view them as opportunities to learn and grow. A patient approach builds resilience and perseverance and you get a great story to tell. 

Create a Supportive Environment (finding your cheerleader)

Surround yourself with a supportive network. Whether it’s friends, family,  professional help, or an online community, having a strong support system can provide encouragement and accountability. In a safe environment, everyone feels safe to express their struggles and celebrate achievements.  

Focus on Long-Term Well-Being

Prioritise long-term well-being over short-term fixes. Sustainable change involves adopting habits that promote overall health and happiness. This perspective helps avoid quick, often ineffective solutions and encourages lasting change.  

Embrace Flexibility

Flexibility allows for adaptations along the way. Recognise that what works for one person may not work for another and be open to trying different approaches yourself over time. You are unique and you will need different things at different times.  

Reflect and Celebrate Progress

Regular reflection helps you to track progress and allows you to adjust goals and plans as needed. Take time to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Thinking back will show you how far you have come and you might be surprised what you learn about yourself, not just the change you see.  

10 principles might seem a lot but by starting to care for yourself you are more likely to come through feeling so much better about yourself whatever your outcome.  

Support to make the changes

If any of the above is relatable and you feel that you need some support to identify how to make those changes you can access support through our One You Healthy Lifestyles Coordinator or through your local Pharmacy, GP or treatment services.