What our clients say
Our trained stop smoking advisors provide personal support to clients through regular 1-to-1 sessions across a 12-week programme. They help clients to access e-cigarettes and Nicotine Replacement Therapy to help them quit smoking for good.
Below you will find some examples of the impact that our support can have on our clients’ lives.
In the below video, Steve talks about how, with our support, he overcame his own barriers to quit smoking.
Another of our former clients recently shared their experiences with us which you can read below.
“Before I started the course I was nervous if I could quit or not. It took a while and I quit but had a relapse. My stop smoking counsellor was very supportive and helped me turn my relapse experience around to not relapse again.”
“She told me to keep a journal and write how having the relapse could actually make me stronger and to write down how I didn’t enjoy the cigarettes anyway and things that would make me not want to go back to smoking. This helped me a lot to stay on the right path. I was supported each week on all aspects of quitting smoking, educated about smoking addiction and about the nicotine replacements that were available. I was also provided with nicotine replacement therapy to help with cravings etc.”
“I quit smoking about 20 years ago for about a year but stupidly went back to it. It was with a group I attended for a month referred by the Doctor. I learnt much more on this course, though the other was very helpful too. My advice to others would be to listen to your stop smoking counsellor and accept all the help and advice they offer, they are very knowledgeable about helping you to quit. ”
“Also, take it a step at a time. My experience of the service was excellent and I actually looked forward to my counsellor phoning each week and discussing how much better life is without cigarettes. I was sad when it ended, felt like the counsellor was an old friend and enjoyed our chats. Can’t thank her enough for her help.”